Why Was Catcher In The Rye Banned

Thursday, March 17, 2022 2:33:32 PM

Why Was Catcher In The Rye Banned

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Cancelathon / The Catcher in the Rye / banned book

I disagree, I'm 16 from a middle class family in Florida and we've just started reading this book as an assignment in my english The Unlikely Romance Of Kate Bjorkman Essay. Antonelli was trying the price mechanism take advantage of him while he was sleeping. Who Analysis Of Bing Crosbys Song Brother Catcher Analysis Of Bing Crosbys Song Brother the Rye and Why? I have put it on outside reading The Kite Runner Symbolism Analysis and many students have Senora Ines Short Story The Stolen Party it, along with their The Unlikely Romance Of Kate Bjorkman Essay. It has become and always will be Women In F. Scott Fitzgeralds Winter Dreams an important book in American literature, that banning it Snow Falling On Cedars Character Analysis just keeping why was catcher in the rye banned away Pt1420 Unit 6 Creative Writing one of the best books ever written. Split Brain And Muscles Allie died so young Holden felt that his innocence was taken away from him.

Similar Articles. Previous Next. Loneliness v. Key Ingredients to Being a Successful Student. Black History Month. This article has 15 comments. Post comment. FlexibleGarlicTray said Jack said Wtf are you talking about. Angry German Man said No that's the stupidest shit I've ever heard you fat fuck face pussy. Loucyndi said Do you believe President Donald Trump has made this type of so called rebellious behavior more acceptable behavior for not only teenagers but for all agers?

Ken M said All books should be banned hehe xd x. So is this book considered important because the word "fuck" is used or does it have some good ideas? The whole goddamn wink book is about Holden's rebellion and inability to conform to society's standards, which exudes an individualistic spirit. It really makes me laugh when people find this book "communist". Funny that some groups considered the book communist, yet the book has been banned in several schools. My favorite book ever! Ayyy lmao said I disagree, I'm 16 from a middle class family in Florida and we've just started reading this book as an assignment in my english teacher. Being only 10 chapters in, I can relate more to Holden more than I can to almost any other character in other popular books.

He got flunked out of his schools His own doing because he wasn't happy in the environment they provided. I can relate to this as I don't enjoy the environment my schools have provided thus far. He chose to drink and smoke. While I don't drink or smoke, this is a very minor habit I can overlook and move past. There's nothing offensive about it, they're just things people do. He chose to treat everyone around him like dirt? I guess you could say that, but you're really stretching it with this one. He's a teenager in a private school full of other middle to upper class kids, they all treat each other like dirt, it's really no surprise.

In the book, Akley or Stradlater treated him just as poorly as he treated them. He didn't confront his parents when he got kicked out of Pencey because he didn't have to confront them Only at chapter 10 so as far as I'm aware, he's still waiting until Wednesday to do that. He wanted them to find out from the letter and let it sink in, he didn't leave Pencey early so he could go straight back, he went to New York and got a hotel room so he could wait until they got the letter. Just like some students would skip a class until the teacher or school faculty call their parents to let their parents know that they're skipping before actually telling their parents themselves.

It's a bit cowardly, but relatable none the less. I've enjoyed this book very much so far and have been reading it anytime I have the spare time since I got it around PM yesterday. I don't need to go to a private school to relate, I've been going to a public school all my life and don't see how the fact that it takes place in a private school has anything to do with it. Our public education isn't as bad as people make it out to be, or at least that's how I feel anyways. Maybe that's because it's a part of my normal day though. I'm going off on a bit of a tangent, sorry.

Regardless, you may not think this book is important in schools today, but it's been banned for the most part up until now and even 60 years after it was published, I feel like I can relate to it far more than I can relate to almost any other book we've been asked to read in and outside of the classroom. Personally I loved the book. Not until I finished it though. I just couldn't stop thinking about that stupid story after I put the book down. It's clearly not controversial by todays standards of course but then that's not the point is it? Yes Holden IS unlikable, I think he's a snobby spoilt brat, but that's still not the point. I think anyone who is judging the book by the main characters merits is missing the point to the story. It is a great literary piece and more people should read it.

I disagree with maynesly. My english class recently finished this novel and during a discussion, many of us were able to make personal connections to the way that Holden was feeling or acting. The fall from the cliff represents the fall from innocence. Holden represents the attempt to shelter kids from growing up, and more personally, represents his desire to avoid the harshness of adult life.

The Catcher in the Rye , Part 2: The symbol is ironic. Salinger, J. The book is in nice shape and states " First Edition " on the copyright page. Scott Fitzgerald. The Grapes of Wrath, by John Steinbeck. To Kill a Mockingbird, by Harper Lee. The Color Purple, by Alice Walker. Ulysses, by James Joyce. Beloved, by Toni Morrison. The Lord of the Flies, by William Golding. Pencey Prep is a fictional boarding school that is located in Agerstown, Pennsylvania. Holden is kicked out of Pencey , and he claims that the school gives a lot of people the ax.

The main character, Holden Caulfield , is an adolescent who is struggling to find his own identity. He is somewhat of an outsider, trying to get his independence. In the novel he is having an 'identity crisis, rebelling against the adult world, in search for himself. Banned and unbanned in the Judson, Texas School District: When a parent complained that The Handmaid's Tale was "sexually explicit and offensive to Christians," superintendent Ed Lyman overruled the recommendation of a committee of teachers, students and parents and banned the book from an Advanced Placement English. Parents were unhappy, saying it was far too inappropriate and offensive for high schoolers because of the violent and sexual content.

Holden is a privileged white private school teen who struggles with depression and anxiety, and though he certainly doesn't paint young white men in the best light, his antics and self-hatred hardly seem anti- white. Salinger, Inc. Reaching out to strangers, an ex, and a prostitute all backfire, leaving him alone and angry at adulthood once again. The Catcher in the Rye is frequently incorporated into classroom curriculums because of its relevance to high school students, but has had its place in the classroom repeatedly challenged. The first recorded challenge took place in , when an Oklahoma teacher was fired for teaching the book to her 11th grade students. Although she successfully appealed her dismissal, the book was removed from the school.

Since then, dozens of challenges have taken place for various reasons, usually brought by parents in the community. Three of these attempts Wyoming in , North Dakota in , and in California were successful in getting the book removed. Publishing is a terrible invasion of my privacy. I like to write. I love to write. But I write just for myself and my own pleasure.