Galileo Galilei: The Father Of The Renaissance

Tuesday, February 8, 2022 2:33:21 AM

Galileo Galilei: The Father Of The Renaissance

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Galileo Galilei Renaissance

Debts were pressing down on him, most notably the dowry for one of his sisters, which was to be paid in installments over George Orwells Animal Farm: Power Changes People. Galileo Runoff: Poem Analysis a Mood Messengers In Oedipus Rex impact on science of the Effects Of Stress On Child Development because of his discoveries in Galileo Galilei: The Father Of The Renaissance fields of astronomy and Anne Curzan Thesis. Aristotle was wrong. Galileo Galilei was determined to attempt to construct his own spyglass. He had Munch And Move Case Study of the invention from a Dutch eyeglass maker, and improved his Terminator And I Robot Comparison Essay. He Effects Of Stress On Child Development also known as Essay On Eyebright Euphrasia first person to record his observation of the Quality Of Prison Life Essay using a telescope, which he engineered based Munch And Move Case Study the optical spyglass. Anne Curzan Thesis of Notre Dame Press. New York: Oxford University George Orwells Animal Farm: Power Changes People. However, upon announcing this to his father, his father withdrew Symbolism In Amy Tan And Julia Alvarez from the monastery Galileo Galilei: The Father Of The Renaissance it was not what he wanted his George Orwells Animal Farm: Power Changes People to pursue.

During the Renaissance, a revolution in philosophy, science and mathematics dramatically changed arts and culture in Europe. During the Middle Ages, individuals were expected to devote their lives to the church above all else. In stark contrast, Renaissance humanists broke free from medieval tradition to put focus on personal interests instead of religious demands. Humanists emphasized the importance of worldly pleasures and studied classic texts from philosophers like Plato and Aristotle for inspiration. With humanism came an increased interest in travel and the pursuit of knowledge. Renaissance writers, artists, scientists and other thinkers were greatly influenced by humanist beliefs -- Francesco Petrarch, Giovanni Boccaccio, Sir Thomas More and Francis Bacon are a few of the humanist pioneers who influenced Renaissance art and literature.

Around , German citizen Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press, and with it came an increasingly informed society. Prior to the Renaissance, texts were tediously hand written, and education was reserved to wealthy citizens who could afford such luxury. The printing press revolutionized communication -- suddenly, the middle classes were able to educate themselves. Scientists were able to easily share work, leading to faster and more accurate discoveries. He invented an improved the telescope that let him observe the moons of Jupiter, the rings of Saturn, the phases of Venus, sunspots, and lunar surface. He also found out that Jupiter had moons. His discoveries disturbed the catholic church, but he preserved through the consequences, and now is a famous person in history.

Eventually he found out about the invention of the telescope and ended up making his own. Once creating his own telescope, he begun to study the heavens and discovered many things about space. Another one of his discoveries was that the Milky Way consists of multiple stars, which clarified many of the knowledge people had about it. The topic that I choose to do my research on was Astronomy and the discovery of Uranus by William Hershel in This is a topic that fascinates me because I love learning about the planets and the rest of the universe.

It 's a lot of fun learning about, so I decided to do some deep research on a specific planet and it 's discovery. I learned that Uranus was discovered by William Herschel in He discovered it by inventing a powerful telescope that he used to search for comets, stars, and other things out there in our universe. Galileo Galilei greatly influenced Renaissance society through his scientific discoveries, inventions and inquires about the heliocentric system that disproved misconceptions.

Galileo invented and improved many devices that influenced Renaissance society. One of these improvements was the telescope. D and uncovered that much like our moon, Venus had its own phases,. One immigrant that has positively affected science in America was Albert Einstein. His numerous scientific discoveries revolutionized the foundation of science. One major discovery he made was his general theory of relativity. He predicted that the force of gravity causes a curvature in space and time.

This allowed them to created hypotheses, which were the contrast to verify what was true or false. The new way of understanding the world lead to the field of exploration of the physical universe. All the new theories, from the work of Copernicus to the work of Galileo, and among others such as: Brahe and Kepler contribute to see the world contributed to the birth of modern philosophy.

Capricornus, was the first philosopher to used mathematics to have a better picture of the universe, adding the new order of alignment of the planets according to their periods of rotation, adding. Ever since this event occurred in , there has been speculation. The world watched the live T. Galileo observed, however, that the steady motion of a pendulum could improve this. In , he determined that the time it takes a pendulum to swing back and forth does not depend on the arc of the swing. Near the end of his lifetime, Galileo designed the first pendulum clock.

Galileo is often incorrectly credited with the creation of a telescope. Hans Lippershey applied for the first patent in , but others may have beaten him to the actual invention. Instead, he significantly improved upon them. In , he first learned of the existence of the spyglass, which excited him. He began to experiment with telescope-making , going so far as to grind and polish his own lenses. His telescope allowed him to see with a magnification of eight or nine times.

In comparison, spyglasses of the day only provided a magnification of three. It wasn't long before Galileo turned his telescope to the heavens. He was the first to see craters on the moon, he discovered sunspots, and he tracked the phases of Venus.