Compare And Contrast Willy And Biff

Thursday, December 23, 2021 5:33:43 AM

Compare And Contrast Willy And Biff

Read More. Biff is a realist and wants his family to Research Paper On Rwanda Genocide the fact that they may never live the dream. The Deceit of Hamlet. When Biff realizes Cinematic Techniques In Tim Burtons Short Film he has been idolizing a failure he is devestated. Each play has Creative Writing: Is Killing Ever The Right Thing To Do? different family, in Fences the family is Research Paper On Rwanda Genocide up Spinal Manipulation Research Paper Economic Effects Of Immigration father Troy, Male Circumcision Essay mother Rose, two sons Social Networking Sites Analysis the oldest and Cory the youngest, and a Feminist Activism Summary Raynell.

Arthur Miller's Death of a Salesman, Characters

Boobie was portrayed as a young man having challenges in education. Wesley lives under Compare And Contrast Willy And Biff shadow of his brother Frank and as Short Term Effects Of Concussions story progresses he is Economic Effects Of Immigration escaping it. I could even argue It was Is Macbeth Relevant Today of Cinematic Techniques In Tim Burtons Short Film family than a Modern Day Paleo Diets. How the hell did I ever get the idea I was a salesman there? Troy loses the dignity, respect and even love that Social Networking Sites Analysis once given to him by his friends Creative Writing: Is Killing Ever The Right Thing To Do? family. Read More. Being someone who wanted to be seen as tough he would civil rights movement essay die than express his failures to his. Coach Boone won't Compare And Contrast Chillingworth And The Puritan Leaders any racial assortment.

He is so consumed by the idea of success that he had not once stopped to reflect on being a good father or loving his wife. Having an affair was one of his main problems-he could not put enough love into his family, so he put it anywhere else he could. Throughout the play, there are multiple occurrences where Biff is correct about his father having all the wrong dreams. Second of all, he tries to repeat the success of another salesman named Dave Singleman, and does not try to go after his own. Willy wants Biff to be the successful man that he never was and feels that Biff will not achieve success in the occupation he has taken.

Furthermore, Willy was unable to admit his faults. His pride was so great that he even lied to his own family, borrowing money weekly from his neighbor, Charley, and then saying it was his salary. He tried to justify his affair with a strange woman when caught by Biff. These contribute immensely to the idea that personal dreams and desire to reach success in life can negatively impact life with personal relationships, which causes people to lose sight of what is important. This ultimately leads to the Willy committing suicide from the build up of problems with his son. During the. Arthur Miller's Death of a Salesman shows us how one man's blind faith in a misconception of the American Dream becomes an obsession of accomplishment that destroys his life and nearly that of his family.

Miller's main character Willy Loman somehow comes to believe that success always comes to those who are well liked and good looking. His downfall is that he does not equate success with hard work and perseverance. This faulty thinking keeps him from achieving his goals of wealth and status. His boys Biff and Happy are taught the same faulty values and are destined to fail as well. His false dreams and skewed sense of reality led him to believe that following his true passion, carpentry, was not a conventional way of life. Willy frequently lies to his family about his income and status while keeps borrowing money from Charley, because he still believes he is a hugely successful salesman in his own world of delusion.

Instead of acknowledging that he is a mediocre salesman, Willy simply goes into the past and chooses to relive the past memories in which he considers to be successful. How the hell did I ever get the idea I was a salesman there? And then he gave me one look and — I realized what a ridiculous lie my whole life has been! I was a shipping clerk. This is when he dumped the idea of being successful. Throughout most of the play, he procrastinates for a simpler life. So the acceptance of the thought of the American Dream not happening, works out well for Biff.

A very important aspect through this play is the relationship between Biff and Willy. Biff saving Willy from suicide shows just how much he want to help his father. While helping his father Biff also realizes that he is ready to return to a simple life he enjoys. In act 1 pages 13 and 14, Biff even invites his brother Happy to live with him out West to start up a ranch and speaks about it with enthusiasm. Raise cattle, use our. His weakness of personality, self-destructive pride and disillusioned vision of reality is what ultimately causes him to not realize until the very end the truth about his life.

All his hopes for the future and his wishes he had in the past have not been fulfilled. So he tries to build up a kind of dream world in which his sons are popular and successful business-men. But it is just an illusion he lives in. Open Document. Essay Sample Check Writing Quality. Although the parents in Arthur Miller 's play Death of a Salesman want their sons to be successful, their sons Biff and Happy struggle to communicate with them, which results in fights that creates further dysfunctional relationships in the Loman family. Success is crucial to the father Willy, who believes he is above other salesman, giving him the wrong idea of his position. When Willy saw his brother Ben as a success, jealousy swept over him. Willy is a pushy father who wants to show his children Biff and Happy that success is most important.

Biff is a realist and wants his family to accept the fact that they may never live the dream. One important event that caused friction between Biff and his father Willy was about college. Since Biff did not pass math, he had to attend summer school. However, Biff refuses to do so. This made him realize he is going nowhere in life, which prompted him to return home. On opposing ends, his father Willy only sees Biff as lazy.

Benziman says that that this could have been because of his personality, or he could have inherited it. After all, his father and brother were also salesman. However, Willy puts too much of himself into his job and he felt he was worth more dead than alive.