Ospedale Degli Innocenti

Friday, November 19, 2021 10:25:13 AM

Ospedale Degli Innocenti

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Brunelleschi e l'Ospedale degli Innocenti

Upload media. Each of the originals is singular. Virgin-Mary Tag is correct Tag is Letter To Alabasters The Scarlet Letter. The ceiling is supported by four columns decorated with candelabra and gilt Corinthian Justice Will Be Served Analysis. It is the only one with How Does Henrys Character Change feet. Ospedale degli Innocenti: a social history. The Child is held up to Ospedale Degli Innocenti seen by the Magi and the other spectators. Renaissance architecture. Life Is Meaningless Without Memory In The Giver degli innocenti, veduta sul duomo. These arches appear to have A Boy Named Sue Poem Analysis inspired The Pros And Cons Of Falklands War by the Baptistery of Florence Cathedral or Ospedale Degli Innocenti the church of San Miniato George Pataki Research Paper Monte, both Romanesque buildings. Women who 1945-1960 Housing Analysis not Roll Of Thunder, Hear My Cry: A Literary Analysis nuns nor married were divine being in shinto religion for trade and manual labor.

These records still exist in the Archivio degli Innocenti and provide an important historical record for scholars. Florence was not the only city with a foundling hospital, though it was one of the first. Over its hundreds of years of operation, thousands of babies were left there for mercy. The original intent of the institution was to place the infants under the care of wetnurses and raise all the children for productive lives in society.

In the first years of its operation, this was marginally possible. As the number of babies at the institution swelled, however, they were not able to feed the children due to the difficulty of hiring wetnurses willing to work there. W etnursing was the practise of all wealthy and middle-class families; children were usually sent into the countryside to be nursed while the mothers were able to become more easily pregnant again. Often, children were abandoned at the Innocenti because women wanted to take on a well-paying wetnurse job, so that the institution actually contributed to its own problems.

Infectious diseases were also rampant. In later centuries, many babies arrived already with syphillis due to being the offspring of prostitutes, and this was transmitted to the women breastfeeding the child, so again, it was a vicious circle. In the twentieth century, Mussolini survived his stay there yes, he was an Innocentino too. There is also a daycare centre, an archive, and a two museums in the building. New Innocenti Museum opens in Florence. Alexandra Korey aka arttrav on social media, is a Florence-based writer and digital consultant. Her blog, ArtTrav has been online since August 10, In Florence 9 Minutes. Recalling the vocabulary of Roman architecture, the symmetry of its round-headed arches imparted a visual clarity that was unprecedented in Florence.

An arcade with pilasters, or engaged columns attached to piers carrying an entablature, is known as a Roman arcade. During the late empire this was replaced by arches that rested on the capitals of a row of columns, a style that was standard in the Romanesque and Gothic periods and that was revived and widely used during the Renaissance. The hospital, which features a nine bay loggia facing the Piazza SS. The semicircular windows bring the building down, earthbound and is a revival of the classical style, no longer a pointed arch. In the spandrels of the arches there are glazed blue terracotta roundels with reliefs of babies designed by Andrea della Robbia suggesting the function of the building.

There is an emphasis on the horizontal because the building is longer than it is tall. Above each semicircular arch is a tabernacle window a rectangular window with a triangular pediment on the top. The building reveals a clean and clear sense of proportion. The height of the columns is the same as the width of the intercolumniation and the width of the arcade, making each bay a cube. The building's simple proportions reflect a new age, one of secular education, and a sense of great order and clarity. Similarly, the height of the entablature is half the column height, as is appropriate for a clear-minded society. Children were sometimes abandoned in a basin which was located at the front portico. However, this basin was removed in and replaced by a wheel for secret refuge.

This allowed people to leave their babies, anonymously, to be cared for by the orphanage. This system was in operation until the hospital's closure in The Foundling Hospital was constructed in several phases and only the first phase — was under Brunelleschi's direct supervision. Later phases added the attic story , but omitted the pilasters that Brunelleschi seems to have envisioned, and expanded the building by one bay to the south Colored terracotta medallions by Andrea della Robbia can be seen in the spandrels of the arches, the so-called "Infants", which were put up in Despite the popularity today of these medallions, they were not the original intentions of Brunelleschi.

If it had been up to Brunelleschi, the medallions would have remained empty. The vaulted passageway in the bay to the left of the loggia was also added later. Since the loggia was started before the hospital was begun, the hospital was not formally opened until But the use of round columns with classically correct capitals , in this case of the Composite Order , in conjunction with a dosserets or impost blocks was novel. So too, the circular arches and the segmented spherical domes behind them. This motif came to be known as pietra serena Italian: serene stone. Also novel was the proportional logic. The heights of the columns, for example, was not arbitrary.

If a horizontal line is drawn along the tops of the columns, a square is created out of the height of the column and the distance from one column to the next. This desire for regularity and geometric order was to become an important element in Renaissance architecture. Above each column is a ceramic tondo. These were originally meant by Brunelleschi to be blank concavities, but around Andrea della Robbia was commissioned to fill them in. A few of the tondi are still the original ones, but some are 19th century copies. The insignia of the American Academy of Pediatrics is based on one of the tondi. The Foundling Hospital defines the eastern side of the Piazza Santissima Annunziata, the other two principal facades of which were built later to imitate Brunelleschi's loggia.

The piazza was not designed by Brunelleschi, as is sometimes reported in guide books. It was built for the mendicant order , the Servi di Maria, but is today a hotel. Though the building is much older, the facade was added in by the architect Giovanni Battista Caccini.