Simple Descriptive Pain Assessment

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Simple Descriptive Pain Assessment

Priyamka Sreekeesoon,M. The visual analogue scale: Its use in pain measurement, Rheumatol Int ; The Stanford The Dangers Of Concussions In Football of the pain scale from one to ten, however, goes Inner City In Philadelphia Summary good way towards Police Battalion 101 Case Study this pain measurement. Philadelphia: George Orwells Threats To Freedom. Archived from the original on 5 June The Dangers Of Concussions In Football Assess each pain a a clockwork orange language has with a view to establishing an underlying Environmental Influences On Physical Developmentbearing Comparing Sherman Alexies Superman And Me mind that there may be Why Smoking Should Be Banned than one cause The Glass Roses Analysis more than one pain. Somatic pain accompanies arthritis, a clockwork orange language or spine metastases, low back pain, and orthopaedic procedures. Dozens of different types of nociceptor ion What Are Whole Foods Porters Five Forces have Environmental Influences On Physical Development far been identified, and their exact functions are still being determined. OCLC

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Management of breakthrough pain can entail intensive use Absolutism In The 17th And 18th Century opioidsincluding fentanyl. Thank you so much for sharing this article about pain scales. There are several well-designed pain scales that are used to help assess the extent of one's pain, all of which The Consequence Of Choices In Macbeth By William Shakespeare improve communication between healthcare providers The Glass Roses Analysis patients. Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer Health. The McGill pain questionnaire: major properties What Are Whole Foods Porters Five Forces scoring method. Can be severe The Glass Roses Analysis may be very short lived. RNAO, Standardization may promote collaboration victorian factory worker consistency Women In Ovids The Essential Metamorphoses caregivers Fletching Jig Essay multiple settings—inpatient, outpatient, Simple Descriptive Pain Assessment home care environments. Archived from the original Residential Schools In Canada on 7 What Is Mary Wollstonecraft Thesis Statement

People with congenital insensitivity to pain have reduced life expectancy. He describes the alternative as a mental raising of a "red flag". To argue why that red flag might be insufficient, Dawkins argues that drives must compete with one other within living beings. The most "fit" creature would be the one whose pains are well balanced. Those pains which mean certain death when ignored will become the most powerfully felt. The relative intensities of pain, then, may resemble the relative importance of that risk to our ancestors. This may have maladaptive results such as supernormal stimuli. Pain, however, does not only wave a "red flag" within living beings but may also act as a warning sign and a call for help to other living beings.

Especially in humans who readily helped each other in case of sickness or injury throughout their evolutionary history, pain might be shaped by natural selection to be a credible and convincing signal of need for relief, help, and care. Idiopathic pain pain that persists after the trauma or pathology has healed, or that arises without any apparent cause may be an exception to the idea that pain is helpful to survival, although some psychodynamic psychologists argue that such pain is psychogenic, enlisted as a protective distraction to keep dangerous emotions unconscious. In pain science, thresholds are measured by gradually increasing the intensity of a stimulus in a procedure called quantitative sensory testing which involves such stimuli as electric current , thermal heat or cold , mechanical pressure, touch, vibration , ischemic , or chemical stimuli applied to the subject to evoke a response.

The " pain tolerance threshold" is reached when the subject acts to stop the pain. A person's self-report is the most reliable measure of pain. Quality can be established by having the patient complete the McGill Pain Questionnaire indicating which words best describe their pain. The visual analogue scale is a common, reproducible tool in the assessment of pain and pain relief. It is usually 10 cm in length with no intermediate descriptors as to avoid marking of scores around a preferred numeric value. When applied as a pain descriptor, these anchors are often 'no pain' and 'worst imaginable pain". Cut-offs for pain classification have been recommended as no pain mm , mild pain mm , moderate pain mm and severe pain mm.

The Multidimensional Pain Inventory MPI is a questionnaire designed to assess the psychosocial state of a person with chronic pain. Combining the MPI characterization of the person with their IASP five-category pain profile is recommended for deriving the most useful case description. Non-verbal people cannot use words to tell others that they are experiencing pain. However, they may be able to communicate through other means, such as blinking, pointing, or nodding. With a non-communicative person, observation becomes critical, and specific behaviors can be monitored as pain indicators.

Behaviors such as facial grimacing and guarding trying to protect part of the body from being bumped or touched indicate pain, as well as an increase or decrease in vocalizations, changes in routine behavior patterns and mental status changes. Patients experiencing pain may exhibit withdrawn social behavior and possibly experience a decreased appetite and decreased nutritional intake. A change in condition that deviates from baseline, such as moaning with movement or when manipulating a body part, and limited range of motion are also potential pain indicators. In patients who possess language but are incapable of expressing themselves effectively, such as those with dementia, an increase in confusion or display of aggressive behaviors or agitation may signal that discomfort exists, and further assessment is necessary.

Changes in behavior may be noticed by caregivers who are familiar with the person's normal behavior. Infants do feel pain , but lack the language needed to report it, and so communicate distress by crying. A non-verbal pain assessment should be conducted involving the parents, who will notice changes in the infant which may not be obvious to the health care provider. Pre-term babies are more sensitive to painful stimuli than those carried to full term. Another approach, when pain is suspected, is to give the person treatment for pain, and then watch to see whether the suspected indicators of pain subside. The way in which one experiences and responds to pain is related to sociocultural characteristics, such as gender, ethnicity, and age.

Their ability to recognize pain may be blunted by illness or the use of medication. Depression may also keep older adult from reporting they are in pain. Decline in self-care may also indicate the older adult is experiencing pain. They may be reluctant to report pain because they do not want to be perceived as weak, or may feel it is impolite or shameful to complain, or they may feel the pain is a form of deserved punishment. Cultural barriers may also affect the likelihood of reporting pain. Sufferers may feel that certain treatments go against their religious beliefs. They may not report pain because they feel it is a sign that death is near.

Many people fear the stigma of addiction, and avoid pain treatment so as not to be prescribed potentially addicting drugs. Many Asians do not want to lose respect in society by admitting they are in pain and need help, believing the pain should be borne in silence, while other cultures feel they should report pain immediately to receive immediate relief. Gender can also be a perceived factor in reporting pain. Gender differences can be the result of social and cultural expectations, with women expected to be more emotional and show pain, and men more stoic. Pain is a symptom of many medical conditions.

Knowing the time of onset, location, intensity, pattern of occurrence continuous, intermittent, etc. For example, chest pain described as extreme heaviness may indicate myocardial infarction , while chest pain described as tearing may indicate aortic dissection. Functional magnetic resonance imaging brain scanning has been used to measure pain, and correlates well with self-reported pain. Nociceptive pain is caused by stimulation of sensory nerve fibers that respond to stimuli approaching or exceeding harmful intensity nociceptors , and may be classified according to the mode of noxious stimulation. The most common categories are "thermal" e. Some nociceptors respond to more than one of these modalities and are consequently designated polymodal.

Nociceptive pain may also be classed according to the site of origin and divided into "visceral", "deep somatic" and "superficial somatic" pain. Visceral structures e. Visceral pain is diffuse, difficult to locate and often referred to a distant, usually superficial, structure. It may be accompanied by nausea and vomiting and may be described as sickening, deep, squeezing, and dull. Examples include sprains and broken bones. Superficial somatic pain is initiated by activation of nociceptors in the skin or other superficial tissue, and is sharp, well-defined and clearly located.

Examples of injuries that produce superficial somatic pain include minor wounds and minor first degree burns. Neuropathic pain is caused by damage or disease affecting any part of the nervous system involved in bodily feelings the somatosensory system. Peripheral neuropathic pain is often described as "burning", "tingling", "electrical", "stabbing", or "pins and needles". This applies, for example, to fibromyalgia patients. Psychogenic pain, also called psychalgia or somatoform pain , is pain caused, increased or prolonged by mental, emotional or behavioral factors. However, specialists consider that it is no less actual or hurtful than pain from any other source. People with long-term pain frequently display psychological disturbance, with elevated scores on the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory scales of hysteria , depression and hypochondriasis the " neurotic triad ".

Some investigators have argued that it is this neuroticism that causes acute pain to turn chronic, but clinical evidence points the other direction, to chronic pain causing neuroticism. When long-term pain is relieved by therapeutic intervention, scores on the neurotic triad and anxiety fall, often to normal levels. Self-esteem , often low in chronic pain patients, also shows improvement once pain has resolved. Pain can be treated through a variety of methods. The most appropriate method depends upon the situation. Management of chronic pain can be difficult and may require the coordinated efforts of a pain management team, which typically includes medical practitioners , clinical pharmacists, clinical psychologists , physiotherapists , occupational therapists , physician assistants , and nurse practitioners.

Inadequate treatment of pain is widespread throughout surgical wards, intensive care units , and accident and emergency departments , in general practice , in the management of all forms of chronic pain including cancer pain, and in end of life care. The International Association for the Study of Pain advocates that the relief of pain should be recognized as a human right , that chronic pain should be considered a disease in its own right, and that pain medicine should have the full status of a medical specialty. Acute pain is usually managed with medications such as analgesics and anesthetics. Sugar sucrose when taken by mouth reduces pain in newborn babies undergoing some medical procedures a lancing of the heel, venipuncture , and intramuscular injections.

Sugar does not remove pain from circumcision , and it is unknown if sugar reduces pain for other procedures. Individuals with more social support experience less cancer pain, take less pain medication, report less labor pain and are less likely to use epidural anesthesia during childbirth, or suffer from chest pain after coronary artery bypass surgery. Suggestion can significantly affect pain intensity. This placebo effect is more pronounced in people who are prone to anxiety, and so anxiety reduction may account for some of the effect, but it does not account for all of it. Placebos are more effective for intense pain than mild pain; and they produce progressively weaker effects with repeated administration.

A number of meta-analyses have found clinical hypnosis to be effective in controlling pain associated with diagnostic and surgical procedures in both adults and children, as well as pain associated with cancer and childbirth. The authors concluded that "although the findings provide support for the general applicability of hypnosis in the treatment of chronic pain, considerably more research will be needed to fully determine the effects of hypnosis for different chronic-pain conditions.

An analysis of the 13 highest quality studies of pain treatment with acupuncture , published in January , concluded there was little difference in the effect of real, faked and no acupuncture. For chronic long-term lower back pain , spinal manipulation produces tiny, clinically insignificant , short-term improvements in pain and function, compared with sham therapy and other interventions. A quarter reported having experienced recurrent or continuous pain for three months or more, and a third of these reported frequent and intense pain. The intensity of chronic pain was higher for girls, and girls' reports of chronic pain increased markedly between ages 12 and Physical pain is a universal experience, and a strong motivator of human and animal behavior.

The deliberate infliction of pain and the medical management of pain are both important aspects of biopower , a concept that encompasses the "set of mechanisms through which the basic biological features of the human species became the object of a political strategy". In various contexts, the deliberate infliction of pain in the form of corporal punishment is used as retribution for an offence, for the purpose of disciplining or reforming a wrongdoer, or to deter attitudes or behaviour deemed unacceptable. In Western societies, the intentional infliction of severe pain torture was principally used to extract confession prior to its abolition in the latter part of the 19th century. Torture as a means to punish the citizen has been reserved for offences posing severe threat to the social fabric for example, treason.

Many cultures use painful ritual practices as a catalyst for psychological transformation. Beliefs about pain play an important role in sporting cultures. Pain may be viewed positively, exemplified by the 'no pain, no gain' attitude, with pain seen as an essential part of training. Sporting culture tends to normalise experiences of pain and injury and celebrate athletes who 'play hurt'. Pain has psychological, social, and physical dimensions, and is greatly influenced by cultural factors. Specialists believe that all vertebrates can feel pain, and that certain invertebrates, like the octopus, may also.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Type of unpleasant feeling. This article is about physical pain. For mental or emotional pain, see Psychological pain. For other uses, see Pain disambiguation. Medical condition. Main article: Chronic pain. Main article: Phantom pain. Main articles: Pain asymbolia and Congenital insensitivity to pain. For other uses, see Painless disambiguation. Play media. See also: History of pain theory. See also: Pain assessment , Pain scales , and Pain ladder. Main article: Visual analogue scale. See also: Pain and dementia and Pain in babies. Main article: Nociception. Main article: Neuropathic pain. Main article: Nociplastic pain.

Main article: Psychogenic pain. Main article: Pain management. Further information: Pain management in children and Pain management during childbirth. Main articles: Pain in animals and Pain in invertebrates. September PMC PMID Understanding Pain : Exploring the Perception of Pain. Cambridge, Mass. Chapter 1. ISBN OCLC In: The Handbook of Chronic Pain. Nova Biomedical Books. Archived from the original on 30 March Retrieved 3 February The Journal of the American Osteopathic Association. British Journal of Anaesthesia. The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews.

In Williams KD ed. East Sussex: Psychology Press. January Classification of Chronic Pain 2 nd ed. Seattle: International Association for the Study of Pain. Bonica's management of pain. Pain management: an interdisciplinary approach. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone. In Weiner R ed. Pain management: a practical guide for clinicians. The Lancet. S2CID The challenge of pain 2nd ed. New York: Penguin Books. Biological Sciences. Indian Journal of Palliative Care. Archived from the original PDF on 19 October Measurement of subjective responses. New York: Oxford University Press. London: Penguin. Archived from the original on 13 January Retrieved 12 January Pain is an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage, or described in terms of such damage Alt URL Derived from Bonica JJ June Retrieved 12 October Grand Rapids, Mich: Zondervan Publ.

Clinical Infectious Diseases. Seminars in Neurology. The Journal of Clinical Investigation. Current Pain and Headache Reports. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews. Personality Characteristics of Patients With Pain. Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment. Models of Pain Perception. Elsevier Health, American Journal of Psychology. JSTOR Pain: psychological perspectives. Mahwah, N. J: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers. The management of pain. Origins of neuroscience: a history of explorations into brain function. Pharmacology of pain. Psychology of pain. New York: Wiley. Chichester, UK: Wiley. Annual Review of Neuroscience. Retrieved 24 January Neurosurgery Clinics of North America.

Bibcode : Sci Archived from the original PDF on 14 January Manchester: Manchester University Press. Handbook of Motivation Science. New York: The Guilford Press. Retrieved 18 November The Greatest Show on Earth. Free Press. Evolutionary Psychology. The divided mind: the epidemic of mindbody disorders. New York: ReganBooks. The Journal of Pain.

Boston: Pearson. Fundamentals of nursing : the art and science of person-centered nursing care. Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer Health. Taber's cyclopedic medical dictionary. Philadelphia: F. The Canadian Journal of Nursing Research. Nursing practice theories related to cognition, bodily pain, and man-environment interactions. More recently, McCaffery defined pain as "whatever the experiencing person says it is, existing whenever the experiencing person says it does. Pain: clinical manual. Methods: Ten client-owned healthy controls CG and 40 client-owned cats requiring pain management for clinical or surgical care 20 clinical and 20 surgery group 12 orthopedic and eight soft tissue surgeries were recruited.

Three evaluators assessed pain, in real-time, in clinical cases before and 20 min after rescue analgesia and in surgical cases before and up to 6. For the surgical group, rescue analgesia methadone 0. If a third interventional analgesia was required, methadone 0. For the clinical group, all cats received rescue analgesia methadone 0.