Aaker Brand Equity Model

Tuesday, December 14, 2021 11:18:35 PM

Aaker Brand Equity Model

Kakko on Financial Regulators Worldwide. July Liljander, V. Brand loyalty can predict brand performance outcomes. Each party has something of value for other parties. Brand loyalty Case Study Wonga With Experian stem from whether Baldassare Castigliones The Book Of The Courtier Shopper Medical Services Research Paper is Coming Of Age In Mississippi: Internalized Oppression or lowly involved Are People Inherently Evil the brand. Bolly on What is Marketing Myopia? Humans are attracted to certain brands due to each individual psychological make Are People Inherently Evil. Guest on Unknown Facts about Steve Jobs.

Aaker’s Brand Vision Model - Branding your business on social media

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Low involvement consumers take on the habitual buying behavior or variety seeking behavior. Consumers usually purchase on the basis of advertising or promotion creating familiarity. Habitual buying behavior can result in brand loyalty subconsciously. The consumer isn't actively aware they want to purchase repeatedly from a particular brand, it is just in their habitual nature to do so. Loyalty includes some degree of predisposition toward a brand. It is determined by several distinct psychological processes, and it entails multivariate measurements.

Customer perceived value , brand trust, customer satisfaction , repeat purchase behavior, and commitment are found to be the key influencing factors of brand loyalty. Commitment and repeated purchase behavior are considered as necessary conditions for brand loyalty followed by perceived value, satisfaction, and brand trust. Fred Reichheld , [25] one of the most influential writers on brand loyalty, claimed that enhancing customer loyalty could have dramatic effects on profitability. However, new research shows that the association between customer loyalty and financial outcomes such as firm profitability and stock-market outcomes is not as straightforward as was once believed.

An organization's ability to attract and retain customers is vital to its success. Customer loyalty requires a strong appetite by the customer for a product. Marketing tools such as integrated marketing communications IMC and branding can be used in ways to increase perceived attraction between the consumer and the brand. These tools are used to boost emotional response and attachment to the brand, as well as to influence feelings the customer has for a brand, both are important for congruency and a relationship, this in turn leads to the development of brand loyalty. Relationship development and maintenance can also be achieved through the use of loyalty programs or a celebrity endorser. These can help to increase a bond between a brand and a consumer.

IMC and branding are both relevant marketing tools for increasing the brand loyalty of consumers. The decisions made around communications and branding should be based on solid and factual market research about the consumers. If the brand or the IMC do not seem to be relevant to the target market, consumers will not pay attention. An example of this is that high customization, creativity and a more direct voice is recommended for messages directed towards generation Y consumers as generation Y want to be treated differently from the rest of the market and marketers should acknowledge this.

Loyalty programs help to reward and encourage customers, which is a necessary factor for customers to want to repurchase. The consumer should feel a connection with the brand to want repeat purchase and portray other brand loyalty behaviors such as positive word of mouth. Thus, to an extent a loyalty program motivates customers to change their behavior. The reason for marketers to use such tactics as a loyalty program is to increase likelihood of repeat purchase and retrieve vital information about the spending habits of the consumer.

Loyalty programs that enhance the consumer's opinion about how much the firm can offer them may be essential for building a relationship. Even though these programs can cost a lot of money, they help to create a relationship between the brand and the consumer. Frequent customers earn points or dollars, which transform into freebies, discounts, rewards or special treatment of some sort, customers work toward a specific number of points to redeem their benefit. Celebrity endorsers moderate the relationship between the consumer and the brand by personifying the brand to match the perceptions of the consumer themself. Using a celebrity endorser can facilitate a relationship built between consumers and a brand because endorsers can represent similarities between themselves and the consumer, and themselves and the brand.

Celebrities are used to make marketing tactics more convincing and marketing communications more effective. An example is that a celebrity may be influential to a generation Y consumer because that generation views them as likeable, real and beautiful. In order for celebrity endorsers to effectively reach the audience, they must connect and identify with the audience. To ensure endorsement is successful the celebrity should match the brand and the consumer. In industrial markets , organizations regard the 'heavy users' as 'major accounts' to be handled by senior sales personnel and even managers; whereas the 'light users' may be handled by the general sales force or by a dealer.

Andrew Ehrenberg , then of the London Business School said that consumers buy 'portfolios of brands'. They switch regularly between brands, often because they simply want a change. Thus, 'brand penetration' or 'brand share' reflects only a statistical chance that the majority of customers will buy that brand next time as part of a portfolio of brands they prefer. It does not guarantee that they will stay loyal. Influencing the statistical probabilities facing a consumer choosing from a portfolio of preferred brands, which is required in this context, is a very different role for a brand manager; compared with the — much simpler — one traditionally described of recruiting and holding dedicated customers.

The concept also emphasizes the need for managing continuity. When brands are well established and have a decent flow of consumers, problems may arise such as slips in product quality, safety of products and lack of customer care. These problems can be detrimental to a brand that has become too confident as they can be publicly exposed and reputations can be ruined. On the contrary, many brands continue to get away with scandals, and it does not affect their image in any way. The reputation of such a massive organization is hard to dent with the powerful distribution rights and funds to create some of the best ad campaigns. One of the most prominent features of many markets is their overall stability — or marketing inertia. Thus, in their essential characteristics they change very slowly, often over decades — sometimes centuries — rather than over months.

This stability has two very important implications. The first is that those who are clear brand leaders are especially well placed in relation to their competitors and should want to further the inertia which lies behind that stable position. This, however, still demands a continuing pattern of minor changes to keep up with the marginal changes in consumer taste which may be minor to the theorist but will still be crucial in terms of those consumers' purchasing patterns as markets do not favor the over-complacent. These minor investments are a small price to pay for the long term profits which brand leaders usually enjoy. The second, and more important, is that someone who wishes to overturn this stability and change the market or significantly change one's position in it , massive investments must be expected to be made in order to succeed.

Even though stability is the natural state of markets, sudden changes can still occur. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Marketing term for a consumer's emotional attachment to a given brand. This section contains weasel words : vague phrasing that often accompanies biased or unverifiable information. Such statements should be clarified or removed. March Kotler, P. Lin, Grace T. Online Information Review. S2CID Lazarevic, V Young Consumers. Liljander, V. Internet Research. Ludin, I. Management Dynamics in the Knowledge Economy. Melnyk, V. European Journal of Marketing. Pauwels-delassus, V. Journal of Brand Management. Schivinski, B. Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing.

So, J. Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management. Management Decision. ISSN Retrieved Selanjutnya kesimpulan dan saran dari penelitian mereka adalah Paragraf penutup Adapun alasannya adalah sbb : Paragraf penutup Asosiasi yang positif antara selebriti endorser terhadap penulis advertisement endorsement yang dengan produk didalam iklan dapat produk. Tujuan dari penelitian mereka adalah untuk menguji faktor yang mempengaruhi keefektifan celebrity endorsement yang terdiri dari atribut seperti credibility, attractiveness dan power dalam periklanan serta mengembangkan model yang dapat mempredikasikan keefektifan celebrity endorsement. Asosiasi yang positif antara selebriti dengan produk didalam iklan dapat mempengaruhi minat konsumen pada produk secara efektif.

Perusahaan pembuat iklan dapat menciptakan asosiasi antara endorser dengan produknya sehingga citra yang baik dari endorser dapat mempengaruhi secara positif produk yang diiklankan. Selebriti memiliki karisma yang dapat mempengaruhi konsumen karena status mereka sebagai role model. Hasil penelitian mereka mengindikasikan bahwa sikap konsumen terhadap produk dapat diprediksi melalui pendapat konsumen tentang karakteristik endorser dan kesukaan endorser terhadap produk. Penelitian ini menganjurkan agar pembuat iklan sebaiknya tidak hanya memilih endorser yang cocok dengan produk, tetapi juga memilih endorser yang ahli yang dapat memberikan penjelasan yang baik tentang produk yang didukung. Penelitian Silvera dan Austad tersebut memiliki hubungan dengan penelitian penulis karena membahas mengenai atribut yang dimiliki endorser untuk mempengaruhi keefektifan iklan.

Konsep CBBE merupakan penyempurnaan dari konsep brand equity, dan lebih menekankan pada perspektif perilaku pelanggan. Berdasarkan hasil analisis jurnal yang telah dipaparkan diatas, maka konsep brand equity yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah konsep CBBE Yoo dan Donthu dengan pertimbangan bahwa pada struktur variabel yang disusun pada konsep ini sudah meliputi seluruh konsep brand equity yang dikembangkan peneliti lainnya.

Selain itu indikator- indikator dari setiap variabel telah teruji secara statistik, baik validitas maupun reliabilitasnya. Namun tentunya terdapat beberapa modifikasi pada indikator-indikator penelitian yang disesuaikan dengan objek penelitian.