Personal Narrative: My Hidden History

Monday, April 4, 2022 7:44:07 PM

Personal Narrative: My Hidden History

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The only difference? This story makes Indiana Jones look as interesting as watching paint dry. Between approximately. Recent history. Overlapping the black history of slavery. The same time in fact! Not on a pick and choose whim where a woman is taken by a hunky Arab, or a white man joins the Arabs to fight the evil Jinn. Towns, burnt to the ground. Slaves in their thousands taken from the ships and towns from England, mainly Cornwall, and Ireland. A few from Wales and Scotland. In fact, for five years the Barbary coast Arabs from Morocco set up camp on Lundy Island in the Bristol channel, and stayed there, taking as many slaves as possible.

Captured in boats and taken to Morocco white slaves. I am reading a book called White Gold by Giles Milton. It is the forgotten history of millions of white Europeans and Americans snatched from their homes or from their ships and taken in chains to the huge slave markets of North Africa! They were tortured, starved, beaten, and sold to the highest bidder, and their governments totally ignored them. The book contains the first-hand account of a young boy, Thomas Pellow who is captured at the age of He was trapped there for 23 years and wrote his account when he eventually escaped. Historians tell us that there are no accounts from this time, so it's not worth the telling.

In fact, the majority of European people could read and write back then and many have left accounts after they or one of their families managed to escape. Sultan Moulay Ishmael ran Meknes one of the largest cities in all of Morocco. For over 70 years he kept hundreds of thousands of white slaves to help build more and more of the city. And he didn't hold back with his punishments. It was said that if he was wearing yellow, every single slave or even a palace member would be terrified as it showed he was ready to slaughter without thought. A slave who dropped something on the floor was instantly dispatched by cutting off his head, sometimes being chopped to pieces.

Slaves were kept in a dungeon in their own filth being systematically taken out and beaten, mainly on their feet until their legs were broken. The woman prisoners were raped and tortured, to try and make them turn to Islam. Many died as Christians. The British government sent dozens of envoys to visit the Sultan and hand over gold, silver, horses, and so on in exchange for the slaves. But the sultan would take the gifts and refuse to release the slaves. Many white slaves turned to Islam to save their lives. Portuguese, Dutch, French, English, and Irish. Thousands all working together in huge slave pits, burnt by lime that was used to make the building walls, tortured, blinded, and beaten. The sickest part of this story is even worse. For at least 2, years, the Arabs have taken hundreds of thousands of black slaves from their countries in Africa, mainly from Guinea, and all across the continent.

And they have bred them like cattle. When a child reaches the age of 3, it is taken from its mother and trained to be a guard. By the time these guards are in their early teens, they are the most terrifying force in all of Morocco. In fact, the sultan was so terrified of them, he wouldn't allow them to be older in case they turned on him. And they were put in charge of keeping the white slaves down. They were worse than the Arabs with their torture of the white slaves. They particularly hated the French slaves, and systematically tortured them, keeping them awake then beating them if they fell asleep while working. But they weren't immune to the evils of the sultan. One black slave was carrying an umbrella over the head of the sultan when the sultan turned to him and chopped him down for letting the sun get on his face.

One of the most horrific acts of the Barbary coast Arabs was centred on the coastal village of Baltimore West Cork in Ireland. At 2 am on the 20th of June over Arabs attacked with muskets, iron bars and burning sticks. Waiting for a signal, they rushed into the cottages and pulled the sleeping families out of their beds. There were 20 men, 33 women, and 54 children.

They were dragged onto the ships and taken back to Algiers, another huge slave post in North Africa. When they arrived they were taken to slave pens before being paraded naked and chained in front of prospective buyers. Men were taken for forced labor, women were raped and used as concubines. The children made to convert to Islam and brainwashed ready to become part of the new guard within the Ottoman army. Barbary coast white slaves. Ottoman corsairs. Thomas Pellow. The most famous of the white slaves from Cornwall England was a young man named Thomas Pellow. Taken at an early age, he describes each stage of his captivity from being taken, meeting the sultan, seeing the horrors, turning to Islam, and meeting the renegades who have a modicum of freedom.

Being made to marry a woman of the sultans choice, and then fighting for the sultan on pain of death if he refuses. Many years later, after nearly years of white slavery across Europe, from onwards, until approximately , the British sent out ships to destroy the Barbary coast Arab stronghold. I could go on. But I would spoil the book, and it has to be read. As an interesting historical factual report, it is probably one of the most interesting and fascinating books I have ever read. On a personal level, reading this hidden history, I am appalled at the injustice and imbalance caused by this deliberate whitewash of history.

The damage that it has caused is beyond description. Can you imagine if this was common knowledge? We would be a better and more balanced world. Thanks Red, that was very interesting. Yes I to don't understand why there is so much emphasise on black slavery when white was just as prolific. And of course Native American. I do think we need to see more of white and Native American slavery on tv to balance this up. These were slavers, and they took anyone they could steal, mostly from Southern Europe and Northern Africa. However, yes, this was enslavement of white people.

These slavers were just as brutal as many slavers were throughout history. Another little known and little discussed fact concerns slavery and the Americas. Natives were the first slaves, and they were the first slaves to cross the Atlantic ocean. It was the indigenous populations who first made this voyage, and not Africans. Native enslavement is typically if and when acknowledged associated with the earlier years of European usually Spanish invasion and settlement, but it continued afterward as well.

The treatment of the indigenous peoples was horrendously and nightmarishly brutal, and as far as recorded history goes, I don't think that any other group of human beings were ever treated this grotesquely in the same numbers, not that you can place a value on human lives based on numbers. One life is important, but 3 Million is an awful lot one account :. My ancestors were enslaved and raped, and to this date, they suffered the largest mass slaughter on North American soil. I don't understand why people are so focused on African American slavery as compared to any other form of slavery, especially when there is currently ongoing campaigns of genocide in this world. There are many people enslaved to this day.

Slaves are allowed in some countries, but they might be called something else. I remember in Houston when a Mid-Eastern diplomat's "maid" escaped from their hotel room and begged for asylum. She was a sex slave. Her owner was a diplomat, and so the government would not grant her asylum and did not arrest the man for slavery. They forced her to go back to the man even though she was terrified of what he would do to her once she returned. Her fear should indicate his barbaric acts toward her. How is the way she lives any less horrible than what an average slave in pre-Civil War America lived? There are hundreds of thousands, if not more, people who currently live in bondage and as property all over the world.

They are brutalized and live in squalid circumstance with no health care. They are stolen from their loved ones and given very little and forced to work or perform sexually acts, some which are so disturbing that a normal person cannot even begin to fathom the evilness. However, I do think it is important to acknowledge the long lasting and devastating toll that slavery has had on African Americans. It's not dissimilar to what other peoples have to endure, even in the US such as Natives and even Eastern Asians, although as a whole, the latter group has done better than a few other populations.

Other countries are quite racist to some of their citizens, and caste-type systems are still in place, even if they are considered illegal. I have a friend in Japan who is of a "lesser" demographic, and these people rarely ever have jobs that aren't working with their hands and doing manual labor. There is a caste in India, and these people generally cannot get out of their role as rat catchers, and rats are pretty much all they can afford to eat-rats and whatever else they can catch or dig out of the ground or garbage bins. I did ramble a bit, but back to the post, I am curious of what happened to the descendants of the slaves of the Barbery Arabs.

One account I read said the slavers were Moors. Maybe these are the same. I can't find the original account I read on this topic, but it was a few years ago. I did find that there is another book on the topic, though, if you are interested:. Many of us are not aware of these barbaric truths which had happened in the past. Nice article bringing out the things with much clarity.

Yes I can imagine Lawrence. That's why I get so mad when someone says white slavery didn't exist. Its just that we don't keep bringing it up. In Europe it went on for a thousand years. More to the point, the Arabs had millions of black slaves too! Thanks for reading. Brits were the ones who stopped slavery, and went out on ships to kick the butt of the slave ships. But you can't tell people that, they just don't want to know. This is a very nice article but the fact is that white slavery was very much there though on a much smaller scale compared to the slavery of the blacks. A few of the white women were inducted into the harems and at least they could live. In fact, many of the pirates specially kidnapped white girls from the villages of Europe for the Arab harems.

Still the term "narratology" is most typically applied to literary theory and literary criticism , as well as film theory and to a lesser extent film criticism. Atypical applications of narratological methodologies would include sociolinguistic studies of oral storytelling William Labov and in conversation analysis or discourse analysis that deal with narratives arising in the course of spontaneous verbal interaction. It also includes the study of videogames, graphic novels , the infinite canvas , and narrative sculptures linked to topology and graph theory. Digital-media theorist and professor Janet Murray theorized a shift in storytelling and narrative structure in the twentieth century as a result of scientific advancement in her book Hamlet on the Holodeck: The Future of Narrative in Cyberspace.

Murray argues that narrative structures such as the multi-narrative more accurately reflected "post-Einstein physics" and the new perceptions of time, process, and change, than the traditional linear narrative. The unique properties of computers are better-suited for expressing these "limitless, intersecting" stories or "cyberdramas. Murray also controversially declared that video games — particularly role-playing games and life-simulators like The Sims , contain narrative structures or invite the users to create them.

She supported this idea in her article "Game Story to Cyberdrama" in which she argued that stories and games share two important structures: contest and puzzles. Development and exclusive consumption on digital devices and interactivity are key characteristics of electronic literature. This has resulted in varying narrative structures of these interactive media. Nonlinear narratives serve as the base of many interactive fictions. Sometimes used interchangeably with hypertext fiction, the reader or player plays a significant role in the creation of a unique narrative developed by the choices they make within the story-world.

Stuart Moulthrop 's Victory Garden is one of the first and most studied examples of hypertext fiction, featuring 1, lexias and 2, hyperlinks. In his book Cybertext: Perspectives on Ergodic Literature, Espen Aarseth conceived the concept of cybertext , a subcategory of ergodic literature , to explain how the medium and mechanical organization of the text affects the reader's experience:. Each decision will make some parts of the text more, and others less, accessible, and you may never know the exact results of your choices; that is, exactly what you missed. The narrative structure or game-worlds of these cybertexts are compared to a labyrinth that invites the player, a term Aarseth deems more appropriate than reader, to play, explore and discover paths within these texts.

Two kinds of labyrinths which are referenced by Aarseth are the unicursal labyrinth which holds one single, winding path that leads to a hidden center, and the multicursal labyrinth, synonymous with a maze, which is branching and complex with the path and direction chosen by the player. These concepts help to distinguish between ergodic unicursal and nonergodic literature multicursal. Some works such as Vladimir Nabokov's Pale Fire have proven to potentially be both depending on the path the reader takes. Art critic and philosopher, Arthur Danto , refers to the narrative as describing two separate events. The way a story can be manipulated by a character, or in the display of medium contributes to how a story is seen by the world.

The concept of narratology was developed mainly in France during the sixties and seventies. This basis goes with the French-American belief that narratology is a logical perversion, meaning that it followed a course that at the time did not seem logical. However, in his findings, Greimas says that narratology can be used to describe phenomena outside of the written word and linguistics as a whole. He establishes a connection between the physical form of something and the language used to describe that something which breaks the structural code that many other theorists base their research on.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Study of narrative structures. For the "ludology vs. Retrieved London: Routledge, Hamlet on the holodeck. Internet Archive. Free Press. Electronic Book Review. Electronic Literature Directory. Cybertext : perspectives on ergodic literature. Baltimore, Md. ISBN OCLC Analytical Philosophy of Action.