Robert Lustig The Toxic Truth About Sugar Analysis

Friday, April 22, 2022 8:27:17 AM

Robert Lustig The Toxic Truth About Sugar Analysis

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Robert Lustig reveals foods with loads of hidden sugar

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The Problem: Chips, pretzels, and most packaged pastries are highly processed manufactured foods and are typically loaded with some combination of sugar, salt, and unhealthy oils, so they rank high on the glycemic index. Weil says. The Solution: Choose healthy snacks —they can be satisfying and delicious. The Problem: These shrimp facts are enough to turn your stomach. The most popular seafood in the American diet, our taste for shrimp has an astounding environmental impact and potentially threatens our health, too. For each pound of wild shrimp harvested from oceans, there are between three and 10 pounds of bycatch pulled onto the boat deck—including sea turtles and many juvenile fish.

Farmed shrimp generally comes from mangrove forests, which have been clear-cut and turned into filthy ponds doused with antibiotics to ward off disease. The Solution: When it comes to the best seafood choices , Sharpless says you're better off eating wild or farmed shellfish like oysters, mussels, and clams, which are filter feeders and help clean the ocean as they grow. The Problem: These drinks are typically sweetened with high-fructose corn syrup, an ingredient linked to weight gain and early menstruation in girls.

Energy drinks often contain potentially carcinogenic additives, such as caramel coloring. The Solution: Water is best. If you're dealing with an energy slump, try working these foods that give you energy into the mix. The Problem: Foie gras, the unnaturally fatty liver of a duck or goose, is traditionally thought of as a luxury food item. But the bird lives a far from luxurious life. The ducks are force-fed three times daily for weeks on end, causing their livers to swell more than 10 times their normal size, leading to diseased organs. The Problem: Don't ruin your healthy salad by dumping inflammatory oils all over it. The Solution: Make your own salad dressing with fresh healthy oils and organic vinegar—it's super easy. Olive oil is OK, say the Caltons, but it can be high in inflammatory omega-6s if you do go with olive oil, always opt for cold-pressed, extra-virgin.

Safer oils include peanut, sesame, avocado, macadamia, flaxseed, and fish oils. The Problem: Egg yolks contain more than 80 percent of the overall vitamins, minerals, and healthy fatty acids found in an egg. Without fat you can't absorb the protein in the egg white effectively, either, Nick notes. Egg yolks are also a rich source of choline, which plays a major part in providing structural integrity and signaling roles for cell membranes. The Solution: Invest in high-quality eggs and feel good about eating the yolks and all. The dietary guidelines note that dietary cholesterol isn't something you need to worry about anymore. So how do you buy the best eggs? The gold-standard egg comes from organic hens raised on fresh pasture.

The Problem: Most people eat diets that contain an overabundance of refined carbohydrates, and one of the most common culprits is pasta. These refined carbs are essentially stripped of their nutritional value, and when eaten cause high levels of both blood sugar and insulin. Psenka warns. And how's this for a scary stat: People who eat high intakes of refined carbohydrates, like most Americans, have been found to have up to three times the risk of dying from an inflammatory disease. The Solution: Invest in a spiralizer veggie slicer and start whipping up nutrient-dense veggie noodle recipes. We promise you'll never look back! The Problem: Completely devoid of nutrients, this childhood favorite actually carries a warning label in Europe that reads, "May have an adverse effect on activity and attention in children.

Phillips points out. In addition to a delivering a big dose of sugar or artificial sweeteners , boxed gelatin mixes are just kind of icky—it's derived from by-products left over from processing mostly factory-farmed livestock, mostly collagen harvested from cow and pig skins, hides, and bones. The Solution: If you are really craving a bowl of the jiggly dessert, look for a more natural, plant-based version made of agar-agar. The Problem: As high-cocoa chocolate becomes more recognized as a healthy food option, more people are choosing dark chocolate over milk chocolate. But some kinds of cocoa, the source of the majority of dark chocolate's health benefits , are dramatically better than others. Choosing brands without Dutch processing is key to making sure your chocolate is as healthy as it can be.

The Solution: When buying cocoa itself, look for natural unsweetened. For dark chocolate bars, Dutch-processed versions will have to indicate that processing on the label, so be sure to avoid any that list it. The Problem: An apple is the quintessential health food. Too bad conventionally grown apples harbor some pretty damaging hitchhikers. Other pesticides commonly found on apples, such as carbendazim, are hormone disruptors. The Solution: Go organic. You shouldn't give up on apples altogether because, as Fuhrman points out, an apple a day can keep the oncologist away—research suggests daily apple consumption is linked to a lower risk of common cancers. Removing the peel of a nonorganic apple might mitigate your exposure to the pesticides it was sprayed with, but doing so means you're missing out on the best part of the apple: "The most beneficial antioxidants in apples are located in the skin," says Fuhrman.

The Problem: Fruit is rich in fiber, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and phytonutrients—but fruit juice does not provide the same health benefits. A glass of fruit juice can have as much sugar as a can of soda, not to mention it's void of one of fruit's main health benefits—its high fiber content. The Solution: Next time you think about grabbing a tumbler of juice, consider opting for a splash of real fruit juice to a glass of still or sparkling water. Not enough juice to satisfy your craving? Combine whole fruit and ice in a blender for a refreshing and satisfying smoothie. Even better, opt for a green vegetable juice and add the juice of a half a green apple. The Problem: Popular brand name smoothies often contain plus grams of sugar in a tiny 8-ounce smoothie!

That's more like drinking a soda in terms of sugar. The Solution: Take control of your smoothies! The great part? You can actually save money making smoothies at home. A great option is this Raspberry Coconut Shortcake green smoothie—great taste with less sugar! And don't worry if you mangle a DIY green smoothie. Just use these tricks to save a green smoothie fail. The Problem: Gluten-free ingredients aren't always better for you, and some can actually make you gain weight. Rice flour falls on this list, according to Dr. This ingredient is commonly used in gluten-free processed foods," he warns. Davis warns of other gluten-free foods to avoid , including tapioca flour. Davis says. The Solution: There are indeed some food producers that have developed gluten-free and grain-free products that don't use junk carb ingredients and don't raise blood sugar and so are safe, but they remain in the minority.

Better ingredients include coconut flour, almond meal, and chia seeds, among others. The Problem: The right kind of chocolate serves not only as a sweet treat but as a brain-boosting superfood, too. The problem is, white chocolate's health profile is blank. White chocolate is missing all this goodness. The Solution: Indulging in a chocolate treat? Look for organic dark chocolate from companies like Theo and NibMor. The Problem: Raising a glass should be fun. You shouldn't have to stress over obscene sugar levels, fake food dyes with carcinogenic contaminants, or sketchy preservatives created so that the majority of cocktail drink mixers can sit on store shelves for years.

The Solution: If you're craving a tasty adult beverage, try the healthiest tequila cocktail ever rather than gamble with that neon-green goo on the grocery store shelf. The Problem: Cattle raised in filthy conditions, pumped full of growth hormones, and fed diets composed mostly of genetically modified corn are three major reasons humane, grass-fed ground beef is a better alternative for your burger. But they aren't the only ones, says Pollan. Also consider that while a steak or roast usually comes from a single animal, processors of ground beef combine meat from hundreds of animals. USDA scientists have found dangerous levels of disease-causing bacteria in more than 50 percent of ground beef samples they've tested. The Solution: "I love hamburgers, but only eat them when they're grass-fed and ground by a butcher," Pollan says.

The Problem: One of Dr. Landrigan's No. Swordfish is notoriously high in the heavy metal, a potent neurotoxin that can damage developing children and even trigger heart attacks in adults. Aside from obvious health concerns, swordfish is often overfished and some of the gear commonly used to wrangle in swordfish often kills turtles, seabirds, and sharks. The Solution: For a healthy omega-3 brain boost, look for fish that are low in contaminants and have stable populations, such as wild-caught Alaskan salmon, Atlantic mackerel, or pole- or troll-caught Pacific albacore tuna. Got a more adventurous palate? Try snakehead fish to satisfy your fish craving and improve the environment. The invasive species lives on land and water, where it wipes out important frogs, birds, and other critters.

Snakehead fish is popping up on some restaurant menus, and the taste and texture are about identical to swordfish. The Problem: Call them "mash-up" foods. Call them novelty items. Just call them gross. Two fast-food wrongs a low-quality taco and junk food chips, for instance do not make a right, both in terms of flavor and nutrition. Marketers dream up these concoctions as a horrifying way to grab your attention.

The Solution: Create your own food mash-ups instead to avoid the Franken-ingredients and crazy food additives. Take some celery, slather on some peanut butter, and top with crumbled cooked bacon. Then, give your creation a hyped-up name—just like the marketeters do! The Problem: Carrageenan, a go-to ingredient in condensed milk, is used primarily to improve "mouthfeel," but it could be the food additive triggering your digestive distress. Tobacman explained that carrageenan itself and its breakdown product both create dangerous inflammation, a condition that serves as the backbone of more than human diseases, including inflammatory bowel disease, rheumatoid arthritis, and arteriosclerosis. Inflammation also fuels other life-threatening diseases, including cancer.

The Solution: Swap in regular milk for condensed milk, or try making your own homemade sweetened condensed milk rather than buying it at the grocery store. Watch out for carrageenan in other foods, too. It sometimes hides out in ice cream, chocolate milk, canned whipped cream, yogurt, cottage cheese, ricotta cheese, and low-fat deli meats, so be sure to read labels, Dr.

Tobacman warns. The Problem: We know that chemicals routinely used in GMO crops like corn and soy can prove fatal for bees and butterflies, but science is starting to prove they're doing a real number on humans, too. Corn destined for corn flour is also usually sprayed with Roundup and usually contains neonicotinoids and fungicides," Latham says. The World Health Organization dubbed Roundup "probably carcinogenic to humans.

The Solution: Since all corn chips, even organic ones, are a highly processed food, opt for fresh fruit or nuts as a snack instead of chips. The Problem: A few glasses of wine can really help you unwind after a long workday. A couple of years ago, my wife and I noticed we weren't spending as much quality time together," Phillips says. It was the wine! The bottle is right there, open and beckoning. It's so easy to pour a second glass—even a third," Phillips says. The Solution: Phillips says these days, he stops at one. I take small sips, and I really pay attention to the flavors in my mouth," he says.

The Problem: In , the World Health Organization announced that regularly eating processed meats can cause cancer, and that red meats—such as beef, pork, veal, and lamb—are "probably carcinogenic. Beyond that, eating meat is widely regarded as damaging the environment compared to a more plant-based diet. The Solution: Dr. McDougall recommends incorporating lots of beans, lentils, potatoes, and veggies into your diet instead of lots of meat, given the environmental and health benefits of being vegetarian.

The Problem: The truth is, even if you source the healthiest foods in the world, you're tainting it if you're cooking it or heating it up in plastic containers in the microwave. Studies show a wide variety of plastic chemicals become unstable and transfer into food when heated, and these plastic chemicals are linked to everything from cancer and developmental problems to infertility and weight gain. The Solution: Microwave in glass or lead-free ceramic containers to keep toxic chemicals from migrating into your food. Transfer veggies designed to be microwaved in plastic bags into a glass bowl and cover with a ceramic dish to steam; do the same with any microwavable foods packaged in plastic trays.

Want to go the extra mile? Opt for these plastic-free food storage solutions. Hurricane Ida in Louisiana: Caskets, vaults still displaced. Refi Rates at 1. Do you qualify? Ad Microsoft. Full screen. Disgusted by Food? Microsoft and partners may be compensated if you purchase something through recommended links in this article. Grape Jelly Ellen Gustafson, author of We the Eaters The Problem: Concord grapes are delicious and are one of the few fruits native to North America , but the way most of us taste them is in the form of high-fructose-laden grape jelly.

Slideshow continues on the next slide. Canned Tomatoes Frederick vom Saal, PhD, professor of biological sciences, University of Missouri at Columbia The Problem: The resin linings of tin cans contain bisphenol-A , or BPA, a synthetic estrogen that has been linked to ailments ranging from reproductive problems to heart disease, diabetes, and obesity. Sprouts Douglas Powell, PhD, food safety consultant, barfblog. Farmed Salmon Margaret I. Cuomo, MD, author of A World Without Cancer The Problem: "Fish is naturally low in saturated fat, and some types, like salmon, are also high in omega-3 fat, reducing the risk of stroke and heart attack and inflammation throughout the body.

Margarine Dave Asprey, author of The Bulletproof Diet The Problem: "If you could pick one type of fat that would destroy your performance, decrease your brain function, damage your health, and shorten your life, it would have to be margarine and other trans fats," Asprey says. Instant Noodles Jean Nick, senior information analyst at the Rodale Library The Problem: This frat-house staple contains ingredients like MSG that can actually trigger not just excessive food cravings, but painful migraines, too.

Fast Food Joel Salatin, sustainable farmer The Problem: Fast food isn't just about food, it's about food mentality, according to Salatin. Processed Honey Gerard E. Food Dyes Michael F. Jacobson, PhD, executive director of Center for Science in the Public Interest The Problem: Small studies link some food dyes to hyperactivity in children and cancer in animals, and that's one reason Jacobson avoids them. Bluefin Tuna Philippe Cousteau, explorer and cofounder of EarthEcho The Problem: Bluefin tuna is overfished and on the verge of collapse, thanks to the global appetite for this type of tuna, largely from sushi restaurants. Packaged Snack Foods Andrew Weil, MD, founder of Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine The Problem: Chips, pretzels, and most packaged pastries are highly processed manufactured foods and are typically loaded with some combination of sugar, salt, and unhealthy oils, so they rank high on the glycemic index.

Foie Gras Wayne Pacelle, president of the Humane Society of the United States The Problem: Foie gras, the unnaturally fatty liver of a duck or goose, is traditionally thought of as a luxury food item. Egg Whites Jean Nick, senior information analyst at the Rodale Library The Problem: Egg yolks contain more than 80 percent of the overall vitamins, minerals, and healthy fatty acids found in an egg.

Psenka's Seasonal Allergy Solution The Problem: Most people eat diets that contain an overabundance of refined carbohydrates, and one of the most common culprits is pasta. Packaged Gelatin Desserts Holly Phillips, MD, author of The Exhaustion Breakthrough The Problem: Completely devoid of nutrients, this childhood favorite actually carries a warning label in Europe that reads, "May have an adverse effect on activity and attention in children.

Dutch Chocolate Will Clower, PhD, author of Eat Chocolate, Lose Weight The Problem: As high-cocoa chocolate becomes more recognized as a healthy food option, more people are choosing dark chocolate over milk chocolate. Fruit Juice Dawna Stone, author of The Healthy You Diet The Problem: Fruit is rich in fiber, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and phytonutrients—but fruit juice does not provide the same health benefits. Condensed Milk Joanne Tobacman, MD, associate professor of medicine at the University of Illinois at Chicago The Problem: Carrageenan, a go-to ingredient in condensed milk, is used primarily to improve "mouthfeel," but it could be the food additive triggering your digestive distress.

Corn Chips From the U. Jonathan Latham, PhD, executive director of the Bioscience Resource Project The Problem: We know that chemicals routinely used in GMO crops like corn and soy can prove fatal for bees and butterflies, but science is starting to prove they're doing a real number on humans, too. Bacon John McDougall, MD, author of The Starch Solution The Problem: In , the World Health Organization announced that regularly eating processed meats can cause cancer, and that red meats—such as beef, pork, veal, and lamb—are "probably carcinogenic.

Any Food Microwaved in Plastic Leah Zerbe, editor at Rodale Wellness The Problem: The truth is, even if you source the healthiest foods in the world, you're tainting it if you're cooking it or heating it up in plastic containers in the microwave. Found the story interesting? Like us on Facebook to see similar stories. I'm already a fan, don't show this again. Or the link isnt a genuine feedblitz link, there may be a local group even if a web site or contact information are not shown, you got here because we really.

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